Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Announcement text:

 Announcement text:

To apply for a new drive’s license, come to the BRI to buy a form. Then bring the form you’ve completed to the license office Monday through Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. You will take a written test and a driving test after you fill in other forms from the license office. There will be a fee but not much.
Artinya: Untuk mendaftarkan SIM, datanglah ke BRI untuk membeli formulir. Kemudian bawa formulir yang sudah anda lengkapi ke kantor polisi hari senin sampai jumat mulai pukul 8.00-2.30. Anda akan mengikuti ujian tulis dan ujian praktek sesudah anda melengkapi formulir yang lain di kantor polisi. Akan dipungut biaya, tetapi tidak mahal.
Contoh Greeting Card
Up Ribbon: To: Siska
Hope these flowers spread their fragrance to your days
The color enrich your life 
And the dewdrops softens your ways’
Happy Birthday


To: Siska
Kuberharap bunga ini menyebarkan keharuman bagi hari-harimu.
Warnanya semakin memperkaya hidupmu
Dan embun melembutkan langkahmu

Selamat ulang tahun

Love: Fadli

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